Although I have been very busy doing various training for my new job (I am now trained as a
Bikeability Level 1 and Level 2 instructor and
CTC Mountain Bike Trail Leader), I have been keeping my mind open as to what to next post about on my blog.
My friend, Claire, who I mentioned in a previous post is continuing to test the roads of Newcastle and the world of cycle-commuting. It's great to hear of her adventures and experiences on her new bicycle. We've discussed loads: from safe road use, feminine pannier/bag skills and how to wear a long skirt on a bike. After a conversation about tips on cycling on the roads, Claire says she has felt so empowered whilst on the roads. This is so good to hear as I believe it to be so true! Cycling around on a bicycle and getting from A to B does make you feel empowered and strongly independent.
One tip I gave Claire was to make sure she
looks drivers in the eye - particularly when approaching a roundabout and facing traffic from a number of directions. Looking a driver in the eye not only reassures you that the driver has seen you but also prompts the driver's conscience to recognise you as a human being - something that is surprisingly easy for them to forget whilst on the road. Claire said that she had a moment where she approached some rather challenging roundabouts in Newcastle and taking my advice on board decided to stake her ground on the roundabout and act confident, looking each driver in the eye as she safely made her way around the roundabout. Not only am I proud of her for doing this but it clearly worked as well - not only did she manage to cycle safely and securely around the roundabouts but she also said the experience was extremely empowering and she felt like she was truly part of the road - not just some nuisance that drivers wish didn't exist. Way to go.
Also, I got a text from an old university friend the other day. I've never known her to cycle before and she now lives in London. Her text mirrored the feelings that Claire has had:
Just got a bike, I am loving the freedom it gives you!"
Get on your bikes people and feel the freedom! If you need a helping hand to do this or want some advice - there's plenty about. Most cyclists are pretty friendly people and would love the chance to share some advice with other people who are keen to take up the two-wheels-and-pedals combo.
If you're in Newcastle - get in touch with me and I can help you out or signpost you to people and organisations who can.
Pedal on and feel empowered.
The photo here came from this article: and only further emphasises the empowerment a bicycle can bring to a human being. It reminds me of a brilliant article I read on the Guardian Bike Blog last year: Read and enjoy.